This is why Ayahuasca is not a drug
Ayahuasca is a natural plant medicine that has been shared for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The active ingredient it contains, DMT, is a metabolic product produced naturally in the body. DMT is normally broken down quickly in the body so that no effect can occur. The only exceptions in life are birth and death; at these times a large amount of DMT is suddenly released.
Our body cannot develop an addiction to DMT or Ayahuasca. The more Ayahuasca you have drunk in your life, the less Ayahuasca medicine you will need for the same effect. This is exactly the opposite for a drug. The more often and the longer you consume a drug, the more resistant you become to this substance and develop a tolerance; you must therefore increase your consumption in order to achieve the same effect. This is not the case with Ayahuasca! Some people only drink a little of the Ayahuasca medicine to get into their process, as they are already very connected to the plant medicine.
Also, the healing from Ayahuasca medicine can begin with the hangover and the physical cleansing that comes with it. During this time, you may vomit or generally not feel well. Unlike with the consumption of drugs, you will not feel any pleasure or joy shortly after drinking the Ayahuasca medicine. But after this initial cleansing process, the effect changes in a positive direction. You feel that you are doing well and you feel a nice energy. The hangover suddenly turns into a powerful feeling. With drugs, these feelings arise in exactly the opposite way – in other words, they have a reverse logic: first, happiness hormones are released and you feel joy and pleasure. Afterwards, however, these positive feelings tip over into a very negative direction and you feel somehow empty. After just one Ayahuasca ceremony, on the other hand, you will feel alive and fulfilled. You will probably feel a good energy in your life, feel motivated and be really creative.
What are drugs actually?
First of all, we are talking about drugs that are illegal and substances that suddenly create addictions, substances that make people ill and turn them into drug addicts, whereby this term – depending on the context – always refers to a question of illegality or to something associated with Western medicine.
Drugs poison an organism from the inside or can be the trigger for permanent psychological or physical damage. Ayahuasca medicine, which must be drunk in a ceremony, heals the body from the inside out and therefore has a positive effect on physical and mental health and, consequently, on life as a whole.
What do drugs do to us?
Drugs are addictive and make people sick on some level of addiction. Among other things, it is also said that drugs are taken to produce pleasurable effects and used as a escape from one’s reality, while Ayahuasca medicine does not directly produce a pleasant state at first; most of the time the effect is actually quite unpleasant.