Psychological effects of Ayahuasca
When the effects of Ayahuasca begin, you may see shapes and colors. Your perception expands and your own beliefs slowly soften. Through the psychological effects of Ayahuasca we gain access to the limbic system in our brain, which is said to control functions such as emotions, instinctual behavior, drive and memory. It is also said to be the place where the heart communicates with the mind. In this way, in connection with our compassion, our gratitude and our forgiveness, we can find the way to our deepest inner being – back to our heart. It’s like looking into a mirror. You can see which conditioning beliefs actually determine your own life. These limitations are probably preventing you from living the life you want to lead. Once you recognize the existence of these beliefs, you can let go of them. With the Ayahuasca medicine from real shamans from the Amazon, you have the power to decode it and fundamentally change your life. Ayahuasca can help cope with stress, overwhelm, anxiety, depression, listlessness, inner dissatisfaction, lack of empathy, sadness, anger, broken relationships and much more. Taking Ayahuasca is highly personal and will show you exactly what you need to know to move forward in your personal development.
Physical effects of Ayahuasca
The physical effects of Ayahuasca include nausea and vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea. You may also feel hot or cold. Vomiting is one of the most well-known and common physical symptoms of taking Ayahuasca. Many participants experience nausea and vomiting in the first few hours, but this is very important because in this way the body is freed of toxic and negative energies. Diarrhea is also one of the physical cleansing processes and can take place in the Ayahuasca ceremony. Some participants also experience mild dizziness; the effect is called the Chuma. But that’s not bad at all! Since the body is cleansed and detoxified through this effect, these effects actually feel quite good. And no matter what happens, there is always a shaman present who will accompany you through your physical and psychological process.
Your transformation through Ayahuasca medicine
Ayahuasca has many different ways to have a healing effect on us humans. Basically, an Ayahuasca ceremony is about uniting mind, body and spirit (mind-body-spirit connection). Drinking Ayahuasca supports your personal transformation process. But what does transformation actually mean and cause? A transformation is like the metamorphosis of a butterfly, in which all old coverings are shed. In this process you can decode your fears and free yourself from them. In doing so, you resolve old traumas and heal long-repressed family issues. You will recognize which people give you strength and who don’t. You have the power to shape your energetic environment according to your own values and desires. If you have love within you and radiate it, you will be surrounded by loving people. This is an incredible effect of Ayahuasca on your life that will only occur after you actually drink it.
When does Ayahuasca begin to work after taking it?
The first effects of drinking Ayahuasca can begin as early as 30 minutes after the start of your ceremony. The second effect extends over the entire night of the ceremony. The most important effect of Ayahuasca, however, is the one that occurs in the days following the ceremony.
Why should I drink Ayahuasca with an intention?
We recommend that you always enter our ceremonies with a good mindset and a purpose and drink our shaman’s Ayahuasca medicine with a goal. When you go to a doctor, you also tell him what ailment you are currently experiencing so that he can give you the best possible advice. So prepare yourself mentally for your Ayahuasca ceremony, because your own intention influences the effect of how you experience the Ayahuasca ceremony and what you will take with you into your everyday life. If you do not yet have clarity on your own path (for example when dealing with losses, trauma, emotional injuries from childhood, family conflicts or various psychological sufferings), your first Ayahuasca ceremony is about finding a way to deal with these issues. Let the light into your heart to recognize what you have, what you want and what you are still missing in your life. Ask your soul what you are seeking on the night of your Ayahuasca ceremony. In other words, do you know why you want to take Ayahuasca medicine?
Expand your consciousness with our Ayahuasca ceremony
In our Ayahuasca ceremonies you can heal your emotional wounds, perceive your feelings clearly and free your consciousness. It’s about a change in consciousness that allows us to look into the core of things – to the origin of real being. When you take Ayahuasca, the medicine takes you into the actual reality to your center. This allows you to recognize your problems or illnesses, change them and even fix them. Our Ayahuasca is known as the sap of self-knowledge. The first effect can begin at the beginning of your ceremony, immediately after taking it; the second effect extends over the entire night of your Ayahuasca ceremony. The most important effect, however, is the one that occurs in the days following the Ayahuasca ceremony. That’s why we recommend that you always enter our Ayahuasca ceremonies with a purpose and drink the medicine with a goal – so prepare yourself mentally for your Ayahuasca ceremony. Your own intention influences the effect you experience through the Ayahuasca ceremony.
The effect of Ayahuasca on the origin of ourselves
There is not only the visible, tangible world of the senses. Because behind the material world, which is interpreted as a world of appearances, there still exists a hidden reality. The true reality, the reality of souls, which is the origin of our being. We can enter this world for a certain time with Ayahuasca medicine.
Excursions into other realities are, so to speak, thanks to extraordinary states of consciousness that make these excursions possible.
How do I integrate the learnings from the Ayahuasca ceremonies into my life?
Integrating the insights from the Ayahuasca ceremony into your everyday life is the most important step in your overall expansion of consciousness. What will you take away from your Ayahuasca ceremony and how will you change your life after the ceremony? Ask yourself: what relationship do you have with yourself, with your family and friends? How do you react to situations that trigger you? Do you organize your day actively? Are you incorporating new habits into your everyday life? These are some questions that can be used to measure how far your Ayahuasca ceremony has really brought you on your path. As an Ayahuasca “beginner”, it is not yet possible to maintain the heightened state of awareness of Ayahuasca in your everyday life. But you can use the new energy that the effects of Ayahuasca give you to break free from your previous habits. Make sure to live your day with a heightened awareness and your world will be transformed through Ayahuasca.
Here you will find all the answers to the questions we receive most frequently.
What does Ayahuasca do and what effect does it have on the brain?
Ayahuasca unfolds a profound change of consciousness in your mindset and has an effect on your brain that helps you to recognize and overcome old or toxic habits. The medicine strengthens your emotional and self-reflective perception and gives you a deep inner knowing. The effect of the Ayahuasca plant sets in after 30 to 40 minutes. The peak – the spiritual climax, so to speak – of an Ayahuasca experience is usually reached after 90 to 120 minutes. The duration of the effect is around 4 hours, but can also last up to 12 hours.
Ayahuasca cleanses you both physically and mentally. You will meet yourself in the process. The Ayahuasca ceremony shows you all your sides, including the unpleasant aspects. It is a self-critical encounter in which you can feel a deep respect for life and nature. The harmony of nature around you will probably also be part of your experience. In the Ayahuasca ceremonies during your retreat, the medicine will help you to strengthen your own emotional health and mental clarity. Each process is a highly individual matter. During your personal Ayahuasca experience you can experience many things – from insights, shattering experiences, inner wars, rebirths, near-death experiences, enlightenments, to unbearable bliss. You can find, meet and strengthen yourself. Some of your realizations may also appear after the Ayahuasca ceremony. The after-effects of the medicine are different for each person, and it is possible that you will deepen and internalize your Ayahuasca experience even more in the days following the ceremony.
How do I prepare for an Ayahuasca ceremony?
The most important thing when preparing to take Ayahuasca is to have a positive mindset! However, there are also further recommendations for preparing for an Ayahuasca ceremony. These include a diet in which you avoid lactose and meat for at least 3 days prior to your ceremony, as these foods are somewhat heavier on the stomach. This category also includes spicy food such as onions, citrus fruits and garlic. Take these recommendations into account so that you feel well during your Ayahuasca ceremony. You should not consume any strong drugs or marijuana for at least a week prior to the ceremony. It is best to avoid any kind of sexual intercourse in the days leading up to your ceremony, as this creates an energy exchange. When the wisdom of the medicine receives you, you want to be surrounded by your own aura. This way, the effect of the ayahuasca plant will unfold its full power to you.
Are you taking antidepressants or do you have heart or respiratory problems? Then please consult your doctor before your Ayahuasca ceremony. Only they can assess whether taking Ayahuasca is dangerous for you or whether side effects may occur.
If you follow these preparations, you will be ready for your Ayahuasca experience and this is your sign that you should finally book your Ayahuasca trip.
Is Ayahuasca dangerous or deadly?
The sole intake of Ayahuasca medicine has no lethal effect on an organism. Only the interaction of Ayahuasca with other drugs, medication or illnesses can be dangerous. This is because Ayahuasca tea contains the body’s own active ingredient dimethyltryptamine (DMT) as well as Mao inhibitors. In combination with other drugs or medication (e.g. antidepressants), the monoamine oxidase-inhibiting effect of Ayahuasca poses a danger to life. The enzyme complex monoaminooxidase actually ensures that substances such as DMT are broken down quickly in the body before they cross the blood-brain barrier. This enzyme complex must therefore be inhibited during a retreat so that Ayahuasca can actually have an intensive effect on the brain.
If you need to take medication, please consult your doctor before an Ayahuasca ceremony. This also applies if you suffer from an increased heart rate or high blood pressure.
To prepare for your Ayahuasca ceremony, we recommend that you do not take any medication two weeks prior to your ceremony. Then, nothing will stand in the way of your Ayahuasca experience.
By the way, birth control pills have no effect on drinking Ayahuasca or vice versa. However, you should make sure to take them early enough before the ceremony so that your body can fully absorb the active ingredient and you are still protected against pregnancy.